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London Community Network is a local charity founded in 2006. Our main purpose is to promote the arts and run a community centre.  We  connect with our local residents and offer them space for a variety activities . We believe  art has the ability to transform lives and connect people in a way that nothing else can. We lend a helping hand to other like-minded charities in the greater London area as well. Come join us in our mission to promote the arts and make a difference in our community.

London Community Network operates out of a railway arch in Hackney. This arch is used as a creative work space and a community centre. It is in dire need of  improvement and we are raising funds to enable this.  This will give us the necessary space where the community can come together and engage in various activities.


Please get in touch for more details of how you can help or use the donate button below, we appreciate your support! Thank you.

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